Thursday 21 November 2013

Narrowing our ideas and interests-

 We went through a number of exercises and activities which would assist us in narrowing our ideas and interests. Having  a general idea of the direction I'd like to go in helped, however the piece had some specific criteria that had to he met; it had to be linked to artists which I've previously analysed, it had to have our own meaning which we have developed and the materials and techniques also had to be based on artists who we've previously researched. The first thing we did was explore themes we have expressed interest in, mine was the end of the summer, this started after we explored the contrasts that Callesen explores, his being life and death, mine being summer summer? To assist with our own ideas we expanded our research to our piers, we wrote our interests on a large piece of paper, passing the paper around in turns, everyone making suggestions for each others, this was the result.

 This was such a productive exercise as it really broadened my own set of ideas, it was also fascinating to see how different people interpreted what the end of summer meant to them, some suggestions were very symbolic, I.e. a tree shedding its leafs, others slightly more obvious.

 We then went and saw where our work will be exhibited, we took down measurements, and took note of the dimensions we're going to have to work within. This helped us visualise our work, seeing the space where it will be placed was actually very inspiring!

 After that activity, we created a massive mind map of our interests; artists, techniques, potential outcomes, techniques and meanings. Things were really starting to become apparent now, and now due to seeing the space, I felt familiar and comfortable with the idea of generating a final piece, some ideas came to the forefront! 

 This summary of everything I've explored and covered made me realise the seemingly endless direction and possibilities my final piece has! However I started developing some real ideas and generating some thorough planning involving crucial details! With this vision of the final piece in place, we sketched our the window (the place where our piece will be placed) and then projected our vision onto the paper, photocopied it and labelled why and how these forms find themselves there. 

 This was the beginning of my idea, I knew I wanted to incorporate the TFL logo in my piece, aswell as the rolling stone mouth, this was my mos profound memory of the summer and ironically the first time I noticed it getting dark before nine, coming to a summery end.

 Having a few more things decided- it was time to get experimenting, I had decided upon the fundamental elements of my piece which I definitely wanted to have and justified them being there, however this one design wasn't going to be enough, I had to explore now the same forms and objects but from different angles and approaches. The more I had, the more I had to chose from. 

 I also experimented with different way of painting the TFL logo, seeing whichever one is the most exciting...and relevant. 

 I decided to make a brief maquette of the TFL logo using board also, to get more familiar with it sculpturally- it was rushed- I wasn't looking for perfection just an experiment. 

 I was very fond of the attachment to the wall, I don't think it would look as successful if it was hanging (yes I deem this a success). After my approval I continued with my idea, to a stage of complete refinement and clarity about what exactly I want to create, this refers to; who were my main influences, why I'm using certain materials/processes/techniques and what exactly I am creating. Here is the diagram for my piece, the little sketches at the side were me deciding upon a final idea for how to incorporate, both the rolling stone mouth and the TFL logo, without division, I really want my piece, despite my many influences and techniques to come together as something brilliant. 

 A flat version of my piece;

 3-D sketch of how I will bring it together

 Final devised idea with measurements and 3-D view. 

 I wanted to have everything clear (visually) before I created my brief! This is my idea, every detail justified and linked to something I have explored. 

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