Friday 17 January 2014

Step-by-step final piece summary.

Having finally finished my final piece, which for me was undeniably my most successful piece of work ever created- I am in the comfortable position of being able to evaluate it. Before evaluation however I wanted to document just how I constructed my piece, with the use of photos to assist me.

 Firstly, I drew out the design I had decided on using pencil, achieving a perfect circle of equidistant sides wasn't easy as I had difficulty finding circular objects of similar sizes. I then blocked out the background in blue, I thought this was a good colour to make a first layer of paint out of. 

 After that dried I added in the white bits;

 Then, using masking tape for a sharp edge, added in the darker red sections.

 It was starting to come together, I then added the black-

  I then added the darker blue;

I then added the lighter, more vivid red to the TFL logo.

I then fed wire through the back, bending it outward to stop if falling through and made wooden blocks to channel the wire for a longer period of time. After that cut out my musical symbols, sprayed them and attached them to the wires.

 I then added my sunset to the background, things were really starting to form together and become interesting. 

 I needed to paint in the horizon lines to give a greater impression of the sun setting and to deviate from the logo feel as much as possible. 

 After the success of the painting, I used the cut out sections of my travel card to cover the top half of my TFL logo/sunset. 

 I then transferred the piece to the window, which surprisingly wasn't a challenge, it was in the window I realised I needed a dynamic base for the piece, so I added the fallen notes to appear like the few early signs of autumn leaves.

 So concludes one of the most enjoyable and abstract art topics I've ever had.


  1. This looks great Johnny and I know you will do a thorough evaluation. You could still enhance this post however- commenting on why you chose techniques and materials and any challenges you faced.

    Remember there were constraints when fixing the structure, joining your notes and installing the piece so make that clear in your commentary.

    Great working photos- are there any close ups?
